Friday, 14 September 2012

Cyborg Obelisk (final version)

The final version of the obelisk is complete.

This one has a more substantial base and some roof detailing.

I am intending to use it as a "counts as" quad cannon for my defense line (and maybe later build an actual gun to sit on top) but for now it is fine as is.

I am waiting for the final costing to come back from the laser cutter and then I will offer it in the store. It is a relatively simple model so I am hoping it will be cheap.

The barricade set is already available from the store here:


  1. I really like these, I am thinking of the obelisk set in the scenery at the back of the old Codex (that is what my terrain is based on), although they seem to be a bit expensive for the size. Six is going to set me back a fair few pennies

  2. Thanks for the kind words. I will be offering these as a two-pack for slightly less once I get back.


    1. Thanks, I will keep an eye out for them next month then :D
