Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Necron Quad Cannon WIP

This is something I am trying out to see if it can work.
I want a quad cannon to go with my defense line and have been using the square obelisk up till now.
I thought it might be cool to have a big crystal on the top to represent some sort of firing mechanism.

Of course I will have to see what this looks like painted up as the "crystal" is cardboard and will have to be painted rather sneakily to look like crystal but still... the idea is there and I think it is a worthwhile "counts as".


  1. I like it. Seems a tad large, but that's really to your disadvantage, so nobody can accuse you of anything.

    It's great that it's thematic. Do you mind if I ask what your defense line looks like?

    1. The way I see it, since the quad gun is a T model and not a vehicle, it is going to get the 4++ save from being behind the aegis regardless but even if it doesn't, well, it looks cool and that has to count for something :)

      As for the barricade, you can see it here:


      Thanks for the comment!

  2. Looks cool, looking forward to recieve my Defence line and obelisk. If this works out well, will you sell just the top section by itself as well as a Kit?

    1. Hi Nick. I haven't dispatched your order yet. I will be including the top section in your order at no cost. I am hoping to ship today. Cheers - Neal

    2. Wow, thanks very much, I will do a shout out for you on my Blog and YouTube Channel when I recieve it all, Cheers Neal :D

    3. It was shipped this afternoon - shout when you get it. I will add a new blog entry showing what the final thing looks like.
